Variation of Lease Agreement - Shop 3, Roe Street Carpark, 129 James Street, Northbridge | City of Perth
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PUBLIC NOTICE - Variation of Lease Agreement - Shop 3, Roe Street Carpark, 129 James Street, Northbridge

In accordance with Section 3.58 (3) of the Local Government Act 1995, Public notice is hereby given that the proposed disposal of the following property:

Property Concerned: 

Shop 3, Roe Street Carpark, 129 James Street, Northbridge, legally described as:

Part of Lot 123 the subject of Diagram 4820 and part of Lot 124 on Diagram 7387 contained in Certificate of Title Volume 1236 Folio 926 having an area of approximately 211.10m2. 

Market Value:  Net Rental $100,000.00 per annum excluding GST. 
Parties Concerned:  City of Perth to National Australia Bank Ltd (ACN 004 044 937) 
Term:  A term of 2 years with 2 further option terms of 3 years. 
Consideration:  Net Rental $150,000.00 per annum excluding GST. 

Anyone wishing to make a submission concerning this disposition is invited to do so in writing to the City of Perth by 4.00pm, Tuesday 11th February 2025. Submissions should be marked with the above Property Concerned details and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Perth, GPO Box C120, PERTH WA 6839 or emailed to [email protected] 

Chief Executive Officer

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