eLodgement | City of Perth
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Registered users

Please note that you must be a registered user to lodge a building or planning application online. If you are a registered user, sign in with your user ID and password and follow the user guide for steps to submit your application.

Accepted file types

We only accept application plans in PDF. Please make sure the plans meet the following requirements otherwise the application may be not be accepted:

  • The plans must be unlocked with no security.
  • The plan should be to scale, with the scale shown on the plan.
  • The file should be optimised for minimum file size.
  • The maximum total file size is 80 megabyte with a limit of 20 attachments.


I agree that I will comply with the requirements under the relevant legislation and City policies to provide complete and correct forms, information and plans for the City to assess an application. If insufficient or incorrect information is submitted, I acknowledge that the application will not be lodged or further processed until all required documents and fees have been received, to the satisfaction of the City, in accordance with relevant legislation.

I have read all fields of the electronic form carefully and have consulted the application guide.

I, the applicant have obtained permission from the author and/or relevant right holders to reproduce, publish and distribute all documents and plans submitted for the purpose of my application.

I fully indemnify the City for any alleged breach of copyright relating to the documents submitted as a result of them being reproduced/published/distributed by the City in processing my application.

The email address that I have provided in submitting this application is the email address to which I will accept any notification or communication from the Council.

Upon submission of an application a registered user login will be provided to me. I agree that any additional information that is required to be submitted to the City e.g. further technical information, amended plans or other drawings, will need to be submitted to the City via this portal using my registered user login. 

Please note the following:

  • An application submitted to the City is not considered to be lodged until all information is checked and is confirmed that is complete and correct.
  • Please be aware that additional fees may be incurred once your application is processed e.g. estimated value of works submit is incorrect, works bond.
By clicking here you agree to the terms and conditions and can now start submission.

Paying a planning and building application fee

You can make a payment for an application to the Development Approvals Unit by one of the following methods:

  • In person at Council House, Ground Floor, 27 St Georges Terrace, Perth.
    Payments can be made by cash, cheque, EFTPOS or by Credit Card. *
    Cashier hours — Monday to Friday, 8am to 4.30pm (excluding public holidays)
  • By mail to City of Perth, GPO Box C120, Perth WA 6839.
    Cheque or money order payments are to be made payable to 'City of Perth' and crossed 'Not Negotiable'.
  • Online Credit Card Payment *

*Note — online credit card payment cannot be used when lodging an application. The City will contact you to take payment for applications once received. You can however make an online credit card payment for outstanding application, works bond, hoarding/gantry and/or BCITF fees. Credit card payments are limited to $10,000 per card, per application, per year. Only Visa, Mastercard and Amex cards are accepted.

Track my planning or building application hardcopy

Please contact the Development Approvals Unit on 08 9461 3366 in relation to building application or 08 94613352 for planning application.