Code of Conduct | City of Perth
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Code of Conduct

As the capital city local government authority for Western Australia, the City of Perth is responsible for providing effective and high-quality government for residents, ratepayers and visitors, as mandated in the Local Government Act 1995 and City of Perth Act 2016.


Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates

The Council’s adopted Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates incorporates and builds upon the model code of conduct for council members, committee members and candidates prescribed by the Local Government (Model Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021, and is based on the principles of – 

  • accountability;
  • personal integrity; and
  • relationships with others.

It outlines the expected behaviours and relevant legal responsibilities for each council member, committee member and candidate, and facilitates the delivery of good governance by supporting:

  • Decision making processes that are responsible, inclusive, participatory and representative and deliver outcomes which are in the best interests of community and our stakeholders
  • Developing and strengthening public trust in the integrity of the City and local government.
  • Strong, effective relationships between Councillors, committee members, candidates, the CEO, and employees of the City based on clear roles and responsibilities and shared principles.

The Code gives general guidance and does not describe every requirement of legislation, policies, and procedures, or all rights and obligations that would ordinarily apply under law. It is to be read in conjunction with the Local Government Act 1995 and its subsidiary regulations, and the City of Perth Act 2016.


Breaches of the Code

The Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members, and Candidates contains certain provisions that must be strictly adhered to. These are the:

  • behavioural requirements; and
  • rules of conduct. 

Failure to act in accordance with any of the behavioural requirements or rules or conduct may constitute a breach and be dealt with in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995

If you suspect that a council member, committee member, or candidate has breached any of behavioural requirements or rules of conduct, you are encouraged to submit a formal complaint to the City via the processes outlined below.

Please be aware that it is an offence under Section 5.123 of the Local Government Act 1995 to disclose information that a complaint has been made, or to disclose information about any detail of the complaint.

Breaches of the behavioural requirements

Alleged breaches of the behavioural requirements of the Code are dealt with by the City. The City can only deal with an alleged breach if a formal complaint is made:

  • using the ‘Complaint about alleged breach of the code of conduct for council members, committee members and candidate’ form (available in the ‘Downloads’ on this page);
  • to the person authorised to receive these complaints; and
  • within one month of the alleged breach occurring.

To make a formal complaint, submit a completed ‘Complaint about alleged breach of the code of conduct for council members, committee members and candidate’ form (available in the ‘Downloads’ on this page) via e-mail or mail to:

Code of Conduct Complaints officer
City of Perth
GPO Box C120
Perth WA 6839

Email: [email protected]

Complaints of this nature are to be dealt with by the City in accordance with the Local Government (Model Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021 (the “Model Code Regulations”), the Code and any relevant policies and procedures adopted by Council.

Breaches of the rules of conduct

Failure to act in accordance with the rules of conduct or City of Perth Standing Orders Local Law 2009 may constitute a minor breach under the Local Government Act 1995.  

If you or any other person has reason to believe a minor breach has occurred, the matter may be referred to the CEO by completing a minor breach complaint form with all supporting evidence. Complaints of this nature may be forwarded to the Local Government Standards Panel (Standards Panel) for determination.  

Further information about making a minor breach complaint (including the minor breach complaint form) is available on the ‘Make a minor breach complaint’ page of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries’ website.  

Register of Complaints

The Register of Complaints records all complaints that result in a finding that:

  • A minor breach has occurred under section 5.110(2) of the Local Government Act 1995; or
  • A behavioural breach has occurred under the City of Perth Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates.