City of Perth Rangers | City of Perth
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City of Perth Rangers with Council House Perth in background

City of Perth Rangers

City of Perth Rangers deal with a variety of issues that occur throughout the City including:

  • Patrols of parks, reserves and City owned buildings.
  • Litter.
  • Dog and cat control.
  • Assisting in the management of events.
  • Patrolling streets, footpaths and verges for obstructions.
  • Control of street traders.
  • Control of buskers.
  • Abandoned vehicles.
  • Unauthorised signs in public areas.
  • Working with Police and other agencies to report anti-social or criminal behaviour.

Wherever possible, problem resolution is attempted by discussion, negotiation and public education.

Rangers check various permits issued by the City of Perth including Obstruction Permits and Busking Permits. They also deal with emergency situations by providing traffic and pedestrian management in the event of building collapses, major fires, major traffic accidents, storm damage, bomb threats or other emergency situations where vehicle or pedestrian traffic will be severely disrupted.

Note: Rangers do not manage parking issues. To manage parking issues, go to Parking.

Contact information

Customer Service: (08) 9461 3333

Email: [email protected]

Report Issues: Report an Issue

  • Local Laws

    Local Laws which Rangers enforce include:

    • Thoroughfares and Public Places Local Law 2017
    • Alfresco Local Law 2009
    • Public Trading Local Law 2005
    • Activities on Land Local Law 2002
    • Dog Local Law 2011
    • Local Government Property Local Law 2005 (amended 2014)
    • Public Trading Local Law 2005
    • Special Events Local Law 2007
    • Fencing Local Law 2015.

    View full details of City of Perth Local Laws.

  • Animal control

    Under the provisions of the Dog Act 1976 and the Cat Act 2011 owners of dogs and cats residing within the boundaries of the City of Perth must have their animal registered with the City. Registration of Cats became compulsory 1 November 2013.

    It is an offence not to do so and may incur a penalty of up to $400 should you not have your animal registered. Dogs must be on a lead except for in dog exercise area.

    Dog Exercise Areas

    • Wellington Square East Perth

      Map of Wellington Square East Perth
    • Totterdell Park West Perth

      Map of Totterdell Park West Perth
    • JH Abrahams Reserve Crawley

      Map of JH Abrahams Reserve Crawley map

    Note: It is important that all owners remove their dogs excreta from all reserves and public places within the City of Perth

  • Fire breaks
    We all have a responsibility for fire safety. Property owners must have firebreaks implemented by 31 October each year and maintain them until 31 May the following year.
  • Impounded items

    Items left unattended in a public place in contravention of Local Laws may be impounded. This includes items such as camping equipment, bags/suitcases, real estate signs and unauthorised signs. Impounded items attract impound and storage fees which will be payable to the City of Perth. Items left unclaimed after two months (60 days) will be disposed of.

    Items which may be a threat to public safety, such as an unattended bag or suitcase, may be impounded immediately and disposed of accordingly.

  • Litter

    Under Western Australia's Litter Act 1979, littering is illegal. The Act authorises Local Government, Keep Australia Beautiful Council (KABC), police and other litter enforcement agencies to take action against those who litter. This action can be in the form of on-the-spot fines, or as reports to the KABC which are followed up by fines being sent to the offenders.

    Littering offences include the following:

    • Littering in a public place.
    • Careless cigarette butt disposal.
    • Posting publicity material (bill posting) in a public place or on a vehicle without the permission of the owner.
    • Littering that creates a public risk.
    • Dumping rubbish in reserves or vacant land.
    • Depositing domestic or commercial waste in a public bin.
    • Items escaping from an unsecured load.
    • Litter thrown from a vehicle.

    To report someone throwing or dumping litter from a car, take note of key details of the offence and offender and pass the information on to the Keep Australia Beautiful Council on the Report Littering page

    To learn more about littering laws, penalties and education programs visit the Keep Australia Beautiful website.

  • Real estate signs
    Real estate signs can be on display 30 minutes before and after a home is open for viewing, if signs are left on the verge outside of this timeframe the sign may be impounded and infringements issued.
  • Smoke free zones
    Murray Street Mall, Hay Street Mall and Forrest Place are now designated smoke free zones and people who smoke in the city’s malls or Forrest Place may be issued with a $100 infringement.