Report an Issue | City of Perth
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Report an Issue

If you have complaints or concerns in your neighbourhood, report an issue with the friendly staff at City of Perth. You may have a general question or wish to provide comments or feedback about a City of Perth service or facility, or you may wish to inform us that your contact details have changed.


Visit our Complaints page for information on how to make a formal complaint to the City of Perth.

For parking infringement appeals, see the Appealing a parking infringement page.

Discrimination, harassment or assault

If you have been discriminated against, harassed or assaulted in the City of Perth, the below information can help you with reporting it to the right authority. You may also wish to access one of the support services that in the City of Perth and surrounds.


Always contact the Police on 000 for life threatening or time-critical emergencies. For other criminal activity and anti-social behaviour, contact the police on 131 444. Assaults should always be reported to the Police.

City of Perth 

If the incident occurred at a City of Perth service or facility, please follow the Service Complaint details above.

Independent complaint

The Australian Human Right Commission investigate and resolve complaints of discrimination and breaches of human rights in the areas of disability, sex, race and age discrimination. Their service is free, impartial and informal, and they investigate complaints anywhere in Australia.

The Equal Opportunity Commission aim to make WA free from discrimination and prejudice. You can make a complaint under the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 via their website.

Request a new or additional bin

Please ensure your business or residence is within the City of Perth boundary and visit the Request additional or replacement bins page.

Notify a change of address

It is important that you let us know if you change postal address or move out of your rateable property within the City of Perth.

This will ensure that your details are kept up to date and your rate notices are issued to the correct postal address. This will also avoid late payment penalties and legal action for unpaid rates where new postal address information is not provided to the City of Perth.

Visit the Update personal details page and have your assessment number handy.

Make a rates enquiry

To ask a question about your City of Perth rates phone (08) 9461 3296 or email [email protected]

Report a fault or issue

Please get in touch with the Customer Experience Centre on (08) 9461 3333 to report any urgent issues. You may also email us at [email protected]. Examples include:

  • Damaged sprinklers
  • Damaged City of Perth property e.g. seating, playground equipment
  • Broken or damaged footpaths
  • Faulty street lighting - street lights are managed by a number of agencies. Please refer to the Western Power website for additional information. If a light in the City of Perth does not appear on the Western Power map, please use the Customer Service Request form to report the issue. 

Graffiti report and removal

The City of Perth carries out the reporting and removal of graffiti from Council and private properties within the City. Graffiti is removed from private properties where it is visible from the street, in line with Council policy and procedures.

Graffiti vandalism is a crime, unsightly and makes people feel unsafe. You can report graffiti online via the Goodbye Graffiti website. This website is an online information service to assist the community with graffiti management and reduction strategies within Western Australia.

If you see anyone committing any act of graffiti vandalism, report it directly to WA Police by calling 131 444.