Planning Applications | City of Perth
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Planning Applications

Minor Development Application

Minor development includes adding to or changing an existing building, demolishing a building or portions of a building, installing signs or any structures, changing the levels of a site by excavating or filling and changing the use of any part of a building. The Minor DA information kit will tell you what you need to provide. 

Major Development Application

A Major Development Application usually includes the building of a new large scale building, major additions or refurbishment of an existing building which require additional information to be provided to assess the impact and quality of the proposal. The Major DA information kit will tell you what you need to provide. A Major Development Application often requires a 3D model to be provided to help the City assess the application. The DA 3D digital models submission guide will outline the requirements.

Planning application form

All development applications require two forms to be completed, the first under the Local Planning Scheme and the second under the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS Form 1). The Local Planning Scheme can be found below, while the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS Form 1) can be downloaded from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage’s website.

Application for Development Approval

Development Assessment Panels

As a key component of planning reform in Western Australia, Development Assessment Panels (DAPs) were established by the Minister of Planning on 1 July 2011. A DAP consists of five panel members, three being specialist members and two local government Councillors, and is intended to enhance planning expertise in decision making by improving the balance between technical advice and local knowledge.

Development applications will be accepted and assessed by the City of Perth in the usual way, the exception being that development applications of the value of $20 million or more will be determined by the City of Perth Local Development Assessment Panel (LDAP).

The Local Government Members of the City of Perth LDAP are as follows:

  • Councillor Liam Gobbert (member one)
  • Councillor Viktor Ko (member two)
  • Councillor Bruce Reynolds (alternate member one) 
  • Councillor Brent Fleeton (alternate member two) 

For information about how DAPs operate, membership, and development application types, please visit the Development Assessment Panels section of the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website. To access the City of Perth LDAP and access meeting agendas and minutes, visit the Development Assessment Panels section of the website and select the City of Perth LDAP.

Section 40

A Section 40 Certificate (Certificate of Local Planning Authority) is required to be provided to support an application under the Liquor Control Act 1988 for a new liquor licence  or to remove or modify an existing liquor licence. The section 40 certificate confirms that the liquor licence proposed is consistent with the planning approval granted for the use of the premises. A fully completed Section 40 Liquor Licence Application form is required to be submitted to the City, accompanied by a completed Form LLD15 Section 40 Certificate of Local Planning Authority form.

Section 40 Liquor Licence Application form

Built Strata Application forms 

Built Strata Subdivision Applications (Form 15A and Form 15C) made under Section 15 of the Strata Titles Act 1985 (as amended) and the Strata Titles (General) Regulations 2019 
Built strata subdivision applications are determined by the City under delegation from the Western Australian Planning Commission.  This delegation does not extend to applications proposing a vacant lot, vacant air strata in multi-tiered strata schemes or leasehold schemes where applications are to be made directly to the WAPC for determination.  There are also types of built strata subdivisions that do not require approval as prescribed by the Strata Titles (General) Regulations 2019.  These are where:

  • The area of land is no more than 2,500m²; and;
  • The lots are to be used for residential purposes and each lot contains only one dwelling; and
  • There are no more than five lots in the strata; and
  • The land is within a residential zone and conforms with the local planning scheme.

Built strata subdivision can take place where buildings are fully constructed, or where buildings are proposed to be constructed. An application for approval of a built strata subdivision is made to the City using a Form 15A (formerly a Form 24). The Form 15A certifies that the proposed strata plan is in accordance with the approved development plans. The City will review the application and issue a decision, which may or may not include conditions of approval.  Following receipt of an approval, the applicant must address how any conditions imposed on the Form 15A have been complied with before applying for a certificate of endorsement (Form 15C, formerly Forms 1C and 26). The Form 15C must be accompanied by a copy of the strata plan.

Application guides and forms are available to download from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website via the following links:,-development-and-property/subdivision-fees-and-forms,-manuals-and-guidelines/strata-form-15-applications

Form 15A and Form 15C applications can be lodged with the City using one of the following methods:

Applications: 15A can be lodged online – which is the City’s preferred option

In Person: City of Perth Council House – 27 St Georges Tce, Perth

By Post: City of Perth – GPO Box C120 Perth 6839

Development approval exemptions for Single Houses (Deemed-to-Comply check)

Certain types of development are exempt from requiring development approval under clause 61 of the Deemed Provisions in Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015. These exemptions include the construction of a new single house, or extensions and/or renovations to an existing single house that meet the ‘deemed-to-comply’ criteria of Volume 1 of the Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) or any local planning policy that amends or replaces these criteria. 

Clause 61A allows applicants who are intending to either build a new single house or extend and/or renovate an existing single house to seek advice from the City government as to whether development approval is required for what they are proposing, commonly referred to as a ‘deemed-to-comply’ check. The intent of this check is to provide applicants with confidence that their proposal can proceed straight to a building permit. 

This is a voluntary process that only applies to single houses and extensions or renovations to existing single houses on sites which are zoned ‘Residential’ under the City of Perth’s City Planning Scheme No. 2 and/or City of Subiaco’s Town Planning Scheme No. 4. 

Applications for advice under clause 61A can be made using the following form and submitted via here, together with the application fee. 

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