Environmental health | City of Perth
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Environmental health

The City of Perth has a range of health and safety regulations that are relevant to local businesses, and is committed to continually improving the quality of environmental and public health within the city. 


Noise is classified as unwanted sound, which among other things can be disruptive, causing loss of sleep, interference to activities and emotional stress. The City's Environmental Health Officers manage neighbourhood noise in the city, investigate and monitor noise complaints, and take steps as appropriate to prevent and reduce offensive noise.

Noise in Western Australia is governed by the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 (Noise Regulations) *. Its aim is to protect people from unnecessary disturbance from noise, defined under the Act to include any vibration of any frequency, whether transmitted through air or any other physical medium.

For more detailed information about noise management in the City including how to make a noise complaint please see the Noise Management page.

Overview of the Noise Regulations


The City of Perth administers the Health (Asbestos) Regulations 1992. Asbestos products are no longer permitted to be sold in Australia. Generally speaking, undisturbed asbestos cement products (eg. fencing, eaves) do not pose a high respiratory risk unless abraded, cut, drilled, sawn or broken. If you have a concern about improper asbestos removal or demolition on a work site, contact the Department of Commerce (WorkSafe). For queries about asbestos disposal or general advice please contact the City.

Asbestos – a guide for householders and the general public

Natural waters

The City of Perth monitors the microbial quality of natural recreational waters at various locations along the Swan River during summer months. Sources of microbial pollution include storm water runoff, birds and other animals and boating wastes. Analysis of water samples assists in the early detection of water quality issues which may impact water users.


The City of Perth monitors and treats a number of known natural mosquito breeding sites including Pelican Point in Crawley and Heirisson Island. Mosquito breeding occurs predominantly during summer months in riverside saltmarsh areas inundated by tidal waters but also occurs in domestic settings. The City is a member of the South Metropolitan Contiguous Local Authority Group (CLAG). The group receives funding assistance from the Department of Health WA for the implementation of mosquito management programs during the breeding season. For comprehensive mosquito information visit the Department of Health WA.

The City’s Environmental Health Officers will:

  • Monitor Pelican Point and Heirisson Island weekly during peak season; 
  • Apply approved treatment solutions, that target mosquito larvae only, to Pelican Point and Heirisson Island - when appropriate;
  • Trap fortnightly at Pelican Point and Heirisson Island, to determine the success of treatments and identify prevalent mosquito species;
  • Watch tides closely as these lead to pooling of water where the majority of mosquito breeding occurs (Pelican Point and Heirisson Island);
  • Respond to enquiries and provide advice regarding mosquitos;

Access the City of Perth Mosquito Management Plan below. 

20-134 Mosquito Management Plan

The City’s Environmental Health Officers will not:

  • Use fogging methods: Pelican Point is a natural ecosystem under the protection of the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions. Fogging treatment is not an environmentally acceptable practice because while it targets adult mosquitoes, it also wipes out most other adult insects in the area - including those important to the local ecosystem.  

Aquatic facilities

The City collects water samples from aquatic facilities regularly, including swimming pools, spas and water playgrounds. Water samples are analysed by Pathwest for the presence of disease causing microorganisms. Substandard water quality can give rise to eye, ear and skin infections as well as gastroenteritis and in extreme cases, meningitis. Aquatic facilities must comply with the Code of Practice for the design, operation, management and maintenance of aquatic facilities.

Aquatic Facility - Quality Control 

Environmental Health FAQ

  • What is food business registration?

    Food businesses whether operating from a fixed location (e.g. café, restaurant) or a temporary location (e.g. food stall or food truck) need to be registered with the local government in which they are based. For temporary or mobile food premises this means the local government in which the food truck or stall is garaged/stored. To be eligible for registration you must meet the requirements of the local government in which you are located.

    Charities may be exempt from food business registration requirements as well as operating fees. Please contact the City for further information.

  • I want to operate a food stall or food truck at an event in the City of Perth. Do I need approval?

    Yes. You will need to complete a temporary food vendor application form. Along with your completed application form you will need to submit -

    • Copy of your Food Act registration certificate (Not your ASIC business name certificate);
    • Copy of your public liability insurance policy certificate of currency;
    • Application fee (fee and payment options are specified on the application form); and
    • Any other information specified in the form.

    Provided your application and supporting documentation is satisfactory, a permit will be issued on or before the date of the event following an inspection of your stall/truck by an officer of the City.

  • I want to buy a food business in the City. Is there anything I need to know?

    The following City of Perth fees apply to fixed location food businesses in the City of Perth -

    • Registration fee (once off) $97
    • Annual Surveillance fees charged quarterly pro rata $268-$515 (depending on risk classification)
    • Pre-settlement desktop inspection fee $97

    Firstly the City recommends you engage a competent settlement agent at the outset of business negotiations to ensure a smooth as possible business handover. If you purchase a food business you will need to obtain a new food business registration rather than simply transferring the existing registration over. As annual surveillance (inspection) fees apply to the operation of food businesses in the City, you should factor in start-up fees in the range of $97. Please note that surveillance fees are charged pro rata on a quarterly basis.

    In addition to a standard 'settlement report', a food business purchaser (and sellers for that matter) have the option of requesting a ‘pre-settlement’ desktop audit of a food business (fees apply). This is an effective way to either demonstrate compliance to prospective buyers or remedy existing issues prior to handover. If you are considering structural or layout changes to a newly purchased food business, it is recommended that you contact the City for advice prior to commencing work.

  • Can I sell baked goods or jams that I've made at home?

    Any person wishing to prepare food for sale in a residential setting must first obtain approval from the City. Although applications are assessed on a case by case basis, the City generally only permits the preparation of plain biscuits, plain cakes and normal sugar content jams and preserves. High risk or potentially hazardous foods are not suitable for home preparation if intended for sale. The City may require applicants to undergo food safety training and / or comply with other conditions prior to approval.

  • Can I keep poultry in the City?
    Can I keep poultry in the City?

    The City's Health Local Laws require persons wishing to keep poultry (as well as pigeons or doves) to first gain written approval from the City. Applications to keep poultry are to be made in writing and are to include a plan illustrating the size of the proposed enclosure, and the number of poultry proposed to be kept. Applications are required to be determined by Council. Please note that roosters are not permitted to be kept due to noise considerations.

    Applications will not be approved unless the following minimum requirements can be clearly demonstrated:

    1. adequate land area ensures that no poultry is able to approach within 15 metres of a dwelling house, public building or premises where people are employed or where food is stored, prepared, manufactured or sold;
    2. no poultry is able to approach within 18 metres of a street other than a right of way.
    3. all poultry must be kept in a properly constructed and securely fastened structure or enclosure; and
    4. the structure or enclosure is in a yard having an otherwise unobstructed area of at least 30 square metres
  • Can I keep bees in the City?

    Bee keeping is permitted in the City of Perth in accordance with the following requirements –

    • A maximum of 2 hives may be kept on residential lots;
    • More than 2 hives may be kept on 'non-residential' lots with written consent from the City;
    • A permanent and adequate supply of water is to be provided within 10m of the hives on the lot;
    • Hives are to be enclosed on all sides by a fence, wall or other enclosure;
    • Bees/hives are not to cause a nuisance to nearby properties.

    Bee keepers are required to register with the Department of Agriculture WA. More information on registering can be found on the Department's website. Bees swarms occasionally establish themselves in domestic settings such as letterboxes, eaves, sheds etc. An up to date list of swarm collectors registered with the WA apiarist's society is available on their website.

  • Can construction work be carried out in the City of Perth outside of 'normal' working hours?

    Noise from construction work is generally considered acceptable between the hours of 7am – 7pm Monday to Saturday. Under certain circumstances, construction work may have to be carried out outside of 'normal' hours due to site specific issues, traffic considerations etc. In assessing applications for out of hours construction work, the City considers factors such as - proximity of noise sensitive premises to the construction site; proposed duration of works; predicted onsite noise levels and the reason for out of hours works. Where the City approves out of hours construction work, it generally requires a noise management plan setting out noise control and monitoring measures as well as notification of noise sensitive premises near the construction site prior to works.

  • Can you give a brief summary of smoking laws in the City?

    Smoking is not permitted in the following public places in the City of Perth -

    • enclosed public places*;
    • outdoor eating areas;
    • Hay Street and Murray Street pedestrian malls;
    • Forrest place;
    • within 10m of playground equipment;
    • any other place designated as 'no smoking'.

    * A public place is an enclosed public place if it has a ceiling or roof and is greater than 50 per cent enclosed by walls, or other vertical structures or coverings.

    Owners/proprietors of food/beverage premises or otherwise publicly accessible venues are liable for smoking that occurs on their premises (i.e. are subject to the same penalties as the smoker) and must take reasonable steps to prevent smoke from entering their premises from outside. Liquor licensed premises (other than those covered by a 'restaurant' licence) may set aside a 'smoking zone' within an outdoor eating area provided certain conditions are met.

    For comprehensive information relating to smoking legislation in WA as well as access to no smoking signage and educational materials, visit http://ww2.health.wa.gov.au/Articles/S_T/Smoking-in-enclosed-public-places.

  • Why does my event need a public building approval

    The definition of 'public building' under the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911 includes 'places' as well as buildings. An outdoor concert for example is considered a 'public building' under the Act despite not being held inside a building per se.

    Public buildings including events are required to undergo a special approvals process under the Act and associated Health (Public Buildings) Regulations 1992. The City typically requires a suite of documentation to accompany applications for events including comprehensive risk and emergency management plans.

    As part of the approval process, the City imposes a variety of conditions on events to ensure the safety and health of event patrons is prioritised and the impact of the event on surrounding areas is minimised. For some events, the City may impose a 'cap' on the number of persons allowed inside the event in the interests of patron comfort and safety.