Pets and animals
The City of Perth welcomes pets. To support animal welfare and safety for the community, a number of rules and regulations apply to pet owners.
For further information on managing your pets in an emergency visit the Emergencies and Disasters webpage.
All domestic cats in Western Australia, over six months of age, need to be sterilised, microchipped and registered with their local government.
Registration fees
The State Government determines the registration fees as follows:
Period Fees 1 year $20 ($10 pensioner concession) 3 years $42.50 ($21.25 pensioner concession) Lifetime $100 ($50 pensioner concession)
- Registration period is 1 November to 31 October.
- Cat registrations expire 31 October each year. For newly registered cats after 1 June each year, half the usual fee applies.
- Upon presentation of a current Seniors concession card, half the usual fee applies.
- To register a cat, complete the online form below.
Microchipping is a requirement of cat registration, so owners must have their cat microchipped by their vet or at the Cat Haven, before registering them with the City of Perth.
For more information on micro chipping please visit the Cat Haven website. -
EnquiriesFor enquiries on animal registration matters within the City of Perth, please submit an Online Animal Registration Enquiry.
State Government regulations require all dogs to be registered and microchipped.
A dog is only exempt from microchipping if a veterinarian issues a certificate stating that the implantation of a microchip may adversely affect the health and welfare of the animal.
Registration fees
Dog registration is due by 1 November each year. All dogs over three months of age need to be registered. Owners of unregistered dogs can incur a $200 on the spot fine by council rangers.
The State Government determines the registration fees as follows:
Period Sterilised Unsterilised 1 year $20
($10 pensioner concession)
($25 pensioner concession)3 years $42.50
($21.25 pensioner concession)
($60 pensioner concession)Lifetime $100
($50 pensioner concession)$250
($125 pensioner concession)To register a new dog, complete the online form below.
Online Dog Registration
Online Payment For Dog Registration
Your dog and the law
By law, dog owners must take responsibility for their pet's actions. There are penalties for owners who disregard dog laws.
Change of circumstances
If your circumstances change, for example your dog becomes sterilised, you move out of the City of Perth or you become eligible for a Seniors card, please contact us. You can contact the Council in person, by phone or use the online Change of Pet Registration form.
Council needs to be notified in writing about any changes of dog ownership so its records can be kept up to date. In a residential area, Council limits each household to two dogs.
The Dog Act of 1976 provides that owners need to ensure that their dog:
- Wears a collar, is microchipped (with current owner details) and the Council’s registration tag is attached when in a public place.
- Can be confined to the premises where it lives.
- Is held by a competent person capable of controlling a dog on a maximum two metre lead when in a public place.
- Is only exercised off the lead in designated areas. However, the person in control must carry a leash should it be required to be attached. Your dog must still be under your control even when off the lead.
- Is registered in one person’s name, who is over the age of 18 years.
Dog waste
Your dog’s waste is your responsibility when in any public place. Owners or persons in control of the dog must pick up and dispose of the waste. The City provides doggy poo bags at most parks for people to use for this purpose.
Impounded dogs
Impounded dogs are taken to the City’s pound.
To have your dog released the following fees must be paid:- Impound fee of $100.
- Board fee of $24 per day.
- Registration fee if the dog is unregistered.
An infringement notice may be issued for the dog not being held or tethered, and other applicable offences.
Dog barking and nuisance dogsBarking is a dog's natural means of communication. It may signify alertness to danger, another animal or intruders, or it may be the result of boredom. A dog is considered a nuisance by law when it persistently barks in a manner to such a degree that it unreasonably interferes with the peace, comfort or convenience of any person.
Learn more about nuisance dogs and what can be done to address the problem here. -
EnquiriesFor enquiries on animal registration matters within the City of Perth, please submit an Online Animal Registration Enquiry.