Streets and verges
If you're interested in developing your nature strip or verge area, we assess requests on a case by case basis. If you live in areas of Nedlands or Subiaco which have transitioned from the City of Subiaco or the Town of Nedlands, there are more specific guidelines available to you to be creative while maintaining the character of the area.
The City is responsible for the maintenance of street trees, pavement and crossovers (drive way entrances). If your property has a nature strip, you're responsible for keeping the area tidy.
Undertaking work
Street trees are valued by the City for their aesthetics, shade and health benefits. Street trees are protected by the City’s Tree Protection Policy. New tree planting is guided by the City’s Street Tree Guide and Design and Construction Notes Book 700 – Reticulation and Street Trees. If you would like to move, remove or plant a new street tree, you need permission from the City.
If you want to move or redevelop your driveway, you need permission from Council. Find out specifications, requirements and complete a Crossover Application.
Soft landscaping, such as small ground cover plants and mulch, may be permitted when landscaping your verge. An application to the City is required when residential property owners wish to develop their verge outside the ‘permissible verge treatment’ (as per the City’s Thoroughfares and Public Places Local Law 2017). Hard landscaping, such as adding planter boxes, or tree houses to your verge will not be accepted.
If you have a legitimate need for verge parking and no reasonable alternatives, you can apply to pave a portion of your verge.
Obstructions such as sea containers and skip bins are not permitted on verges without an Obstruction Permit, even if you just need it temporarily. This is a requirement of the Thoroughfares and Public Places Local Law 2017.
Applying for approvals
Contact our Customer Service team on (08) 9461 3333 to find out what development and landscaping is permitted in your area.
Related applications
- Residential Verge Management Guidelines1.9 MB | PDF Document
- Residential Weed Control Exemption Form 2023136.14 KB | PDF Document
- Street Tree Guide 202321.98 MB | PDF Document
- Street Tree Guide 2023 - APPENDIX A - Street Tree Species List103.59 KB | PDF Document
- Street Tree Guide 2023 - APPENDIX B - Street Tree Species Matrix338.98 KB | PDF Document