International business | City of Perth
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International business

Perth is Western Australia’s capital city and a centre for business, commerce and culture centre. Driving a strong growing economy and as Australia’s only Indian Ocean capital city, Perth is fortunate to share the same time zone with key trade markets in Asia. Its proximity to emerging economies across the Indian Ocean Rim allow us to focus on growing industry and trade opportunities. 

The City of Perth is committed to being an active member of the international community and maintains involvement in a number of international organisations and programs. Central to this commitment is the City of Perth Sister City Program and the World Energy Cities Partnership.

As a global hub for the minerals and energy industries, Perth is home to the headquarters for eight of the world’s top fourteen international energy companies, Australia’s largest concentration of global resource and energy companies.

The City of Perth is a proud member of the following international business chambers:

The City regularly hosts delegates from overseas governments, associations and businesses. An essential part of this activity is the establishment or strengthening of international relationships for the City and local businesses. Additionally, the City of Perth is proud and active member of a number of key international business chambers with a local presence.

These relationships help to position Perth as an internationally significant economic and resources hub within the region by strengthening networks, attracting inward investment and promoting international trade.

See Think Perth for further information.