Heritage planning and incentives | City of Perth
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Heritage planning and incentives

If your property is registered on the CPS2 Heritage Register or on the State Heritage Office Register of Heritage Places, you will need planning approval before you undertake works.

Conservation and development

All work heritage buildings and conservation areas requires prior planning approval. If the proposed work includes major changes it is likely you will have to engage a heritage consultant to provide specific advice on your proposal, and to prepare a Heritage Impact Statement.

Conservation area planning policies

To ensure development work respects and enhances the City's cultural heritage, Council has a number of policies and guidelines in place:

Section/Policy # Policy name
Section/Policy #Section 4.10 Policy nameHeritage Policy
Section/Policy #Section 6.6
Policy nameKing Street Heritage Area Design Guidelines
Section/Policy #Section 6.8  Policy nameWilliam Street Heritage Area Design Guidelines  
Section/Policy # Section 4.6 Policy nameSigns Policy (For signage on heritage buildings)

Heritage incentives

The City offers two heritage incentives to developments involving heritage places under the CPS2. The City may award additional plot ratio to developments, or allow the transfer of unused plot ratio from one site to another. 

Bonus plot ratio

The council may award additional plot ratio to what is permitted in the scheme, in return for the protection of the cultural heritage significance of a heritage listed place.

Transfer of plot ratio

Developers can apply to transfer a portion of unused plot ratio from a place (donor site) to a receiving site (recipient site). This is only allowed where the transfer will not adversely impact on the cultural heritage and general amenity of the city. Council maintains a register of transferred plot ratio which includes details of approved donor and recipient sites.

Applicants must complete a heritage agreement as part of the transfer process, which is a legal agreement between the owner, the City of Perth and the Heritage Council of WA.

Heritage incentive policies

The heritage incentives policies outline the objectives, principles, and requirements for these provisions:

Section / Policy # Policy Name
Section / Policy #Section 4.5.1 Policy NameBonus Plot Ratio Policy
Section / Policy #Section 4.5.2 Policy NameTransfer Plot Ratio Policy

Heritage grants and rates concessions

As an owner of a heritage property, there are a number of schemes, concessions and grants available to apply for financial contribution towards maintenance and preservation.

Heritage grants

You may be eligible for a heritage grant to undertake restorative work, or development work that preserves the historic character of your property. Please view Heritage Grant Applications for more information.

Rates concessions

The City acknowledges the value heritage properties bring to our community and as such, may contribute 50% to general residential rates to encourage and support owners who maintain their buildings. Concessions must be applied for on an annual basis. Visit the heritage rate concession application page, when open, for information on eligibility and requirements. 

State Heritage Office grants

The State Heritage Office also offer a Heritage Grants Program to assist in covering the costs of conservation.

Additional resources

State Heritage Office 

The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage provides guidance on all aspects of heritage management and conservation in Western Australia. Here’s a list of helpful links:

ArcGIS Online

ArcGIS Online is the City of Perth’s online mapping system. It is a web based collaborative platform hosted by ESRI that allows users to create, manage, store and share maps, apps and data for information about locations in the City of Perth. ArcGIS Online will only display information that is already in the public domain, including:

  • property
  • aerial photography
  • car parks
  • City Planning Scheme
  • drainage
  • trees.

All the information is available in just one click, or by using the search and zoom tools to find the information. ArcGIS Online allows the use of different maps to display different types of information. If you are searching for information relating to a particular property, you have the ability to search for an address and information will appear instantly. New information is continually added, making it easier for you to access up-to-date information.

The City of Perth heritage mapping can be viewed here. If you are new to ArcGIS Online or need assistance using the application, please view the online help page.