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Urban Forest Residential Street

Urban Greening

Our Urban Greening Commitment

“By 2036 Perth city will be a greener, cooler and more resilient place that is welcoming and vibrant”.


Urban Greening Strategy 2023 - 2036

Urban greening has an important role to play in making our city a great place to live, work and play.

The Urban Greening Strategy 2023-2036 was adopted by Council last year.  It sets out our commitment to increase urban greening in both public and private spaces across the city and identifies six key moves that will help make the city greener.

Each key move is underpinned by a range of supporting projects and initiatives designed to support their delivery.  We are keen to bring the community along with us on this greening journey.  If you would like to know more about our urban greening initiatives you can find a copy of the Urban Greening Strategy here.


Infill Street Tree Planting Program 2024


Following consultation on the Urban Forest Plan the City continues with the next phase of new street tree planting.  The City’s Infill Street Tree Planting Program is a priority objective of the Urban Forest Plan, helping to increase the level of canopy cover across the public realm.  It is focused on the annual delivery of a targeted program of new planting to fill gaps in existing street tree planting across the city.

As part of implementing the Urban Forest Plan the City will be planting new street trees between April and October 2024 with the aim of:

  • Filling gaps within existing street tree planting
  • Helping to cool streets
  • Improving green links
  • Beautifying neighbourhood streets
  • Promoting community health and wellbeing

Where will you be planting?

Click to access the new street tree map 2024 for more details on:

  • which streets will have new trees planted in existing footpath and verge areas
  • the species that have been selected for planting.

When will planting take place?

To maximise successful tree establishment and growth, new trees are planted during the cooler months (April to October).

In some instances, site investigation works may take place prior to tree planting to locate underground services and test soils.


Urban Forest Plan 2016-2036

The City of Perth is home to over 16,000 street and parkland trees that provide a range of social, environmental and economic benefits that enrich the quality of urban life.

The Urban Forest Plan recognises and values these trees as important community assets and a key element of city infrastructure.  It sets out our vision, goals and objectives for the future planning, management and expansion of the urban forest to maximise the delivery of these benefits.

A key goal is to increase the level of canopy cover across the public realm to 30 percent within 30 years. Our annual Infill Street Tree Planting program plants new trees were there are gaps in existing street trees across the city and is an important initiative in achieving our canopy goal.

Our recently published Street Tree Guide 2023 is an important ‘how to’ document designed to support the delivery of the infill street tree planting program.  It explains how and why we have selected particular tree species for individual streets and updates our planting processes and procedures to bring them in to line with current best practice.

Both the Urban Forest Plan 2016-2036 and Street Tree Guide 2023 are part of the suite of supporting documents that the City is currently developing to help deliver the Urban Greening Strategy.

Urban Forest Plan Background

The City of Perth Urban Forest Plan was adopted by Council in September 2016, after a period of public consultation. 

The urban forest is broadly defined as the collection of green spaces, trees and other vegetation that grows within an urban area, on both public and private land. It provides a range of social, environmental and economic benefits that enrich the quality of urban life. The Urban Forest Plan sets out a vision, goals and objectives for the future planning, management and expansion of the urban forest to maximise the delivery of these benefits.

You can find out more about other Urban Forest projects here


Urban Greening news

Our Urban Greening Strategy’s a winner

The City of Perth has been recognised at the AILA WA Landscape Architecture Awards 2024 for the Urban Greening Strategy 2023-2036.

The Strategy won a Landscape Architecture Award for Landscape Planning.

The AILA WA Landscape Architecture Awards celebrates the positive impact the industry has on Australian lives through the planning and design of built and natural environments. The recognition of Perth's Urban Greening Strategy exemplifies this impact, showcasing the City's leadership and vision for a sustainable future

  • WA Tree Festival Mural

    WA Tree Festival mural

    Local artist Joanna Brown talks about her uplifting mural off Pier Street in Perth that celebrates the cooling effect of trees.

    The mural was commissioned by the City of Perth as part of its involvement in this year’s WA Tree Festival.

    The Festival is an annual event focused on bringing local councils and community groups together, across the metropolitan area, to help share the value of trees collectively. 

    You can find out more here.

    WA Tree Festival lockup


  • Tree Cities of the World

    The City of Perth has been recognised internationally as a 2023 Tree City of the World for our work to expand and care for the urban tree canopy across City parks and streets. 

    This prestigious award is run by the Arbor Day Foundation and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and is a global effort recognising cities committed to their urban forests.  More information can be found here:

    Tree Cities of the World logo colour
  • Trees in Cities Pledge

    As part of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Trees in Cities Challenge, the City of Perth has also pledged to plant 1502 trees between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2024. New street trees planted as part of this year’s infill program will help us deliver on this commitment. 

    The Trees in Cities Challenge is a global campaign of mayor’s who are implementing pledges to make their cities greener, more sustainable and resilient.  More information can be found here: