Planning registers and Heritage lists
Planning Registers and Lists are created under Local Planning Schemes to record land use and development information which is applicable to specific properties.
There are a number of Planning Registers and Lists currently applicable within the City of Perth:
- City of Perth City Planning Scheme No. 2 (CPS 2) Planning Registers and Lists– these apply to the whole of the city with the exception of parts of Crawley and Nedlands which were transferred to the City on the 1 July 2016.
- City of Subiaco and City of Nedlands Planning Registers and Lists– these apply to the parts of Crawley and Nedlands which were transferred from the Cities of Subiaco and Nedlands to the City on the 1 July 2016.
Heritage lists
Heritage lists contain properties protected for their cultural heritage significance. Places listed on a local government heritage list require special planning approval for demolition, additions and other works.
The State Heritage Office also maintains a State Heritage Register for places of state-wide significance that represent the story of Perth's growth and development.
- City of Perth - Heritage List7.85 MB | PDF Document
- City of Nedlands - Heritage List1.73 MB | PDF Document
- City of Subiaco - Heritage List274.42 KB | PDF Document
Register 1: Non-conforming uses
This register records recognised non-conforming uses under clauses 20 and 21 of the City Planning Scheme No. 2. Non-conforming uses are those uses which were previously allowed but are now prohibited under the planning scheme. These uses are permitted to continue in their current form.
- Register 1 - Non-Conforming Uses463.72 KB | PDF Document
Register 2: Transferred plot ratio
This register contains details of places that have been approved as donor sites and includes the transferable plot ratio available, details of the recipient sites that receive plot ratio with the amount transferred and the remaining transferable plot ratio on the donor site.
- Register 2 - Transferred Plot Ratio421.87 KB | PDF Document
Local Heritage Survey
The Local Heritage Survey (formerly called Municipal Heritage Inventory) is a list of places which have cultural heritage significance. Council adopted the Local Heritage Survey at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 28 March 2023. Follow this link to access the meeting minutes and attachments.
- City of Perth - Heritage List7.85 MB | PDF Document
- City of Nedlands - Heritage List1.73 MB | PDF Document
- City of Subiaco - Heritage List274.42 KB | PDF Document
- Register 1 - Non-Conforming Uses463.72 KB | PDF Document
- Register 2 - Transferred Plot Ratio421.87 KB | PDF Document