With plantings occurring in the majority of our neighbourhoods, this year’s Tree Month was focused not only on developing our canopy but ensuring the diversity of our understory.

Approximately 500 people attended 17 volunteer workshops, engaging talks and immersive tree events across the entire month of May. This was an 85 per cent increase on last year.

Stand-out events included tree meditations at the City of Perth Library, a Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer walk and talk, kokedama ball workshop, children’s tree planting festival at JH Abrahams and a Wellington Square community planting event.

We’d like to thank our partners City of Perth Library, Trinity College, Perth City Farm, SERCUL, Switch Your Thinking and Boorloo. We couldn’t have done it without you. We'll be back next year celebrating some of our most precious City assets - our trees!

Watch our wrap up video here: