Hello again,
On Tuesday night, Council approved a dynamic new planning framework for our capital city, one that sets the City on course to achieve its goal of 55,000 residents by 2036.
Included in that scheme is a significant increase in plot ratios for key areas of Perth, such as St Georges Terrace, Kings Park Road and Adelaide Terrace – to name a few.
The new planning scheme will give certainty to investors and developers and hopefully be a catalyst for new investment and redevelopment of some of our older buildings.
Ultimately this will go a long way to delivering a more sustainable, vibrant and liveable City.
It was great to get my hands dirty and join members of the community for a tree planting event at Trinity Foreshore earlier this week.
We’re hoping to plant more than 1500 trees by the end of the year as part of the United Nations Trees in Cities Challenge.
Tree mediations, bee gardens and composting workshops are all happening in the City.
For more information on Tree Month and to register for events and activities see: Tree Month in the City of Perth | Visit Perth
I was pleased Council voted to increase penalties up to $5000 for the mindless minority who deliberately vandalise our trees.
Last year in the City of Perth, 45 trees were removed due to vandalism, and already this year, that number is at 23.
It costs the City up to $100,000 a year to replace vandalised trees and $500 penalties do not seem to be deterring this behaviour and do not compensate the City.
These trees belong to our community, to the people who live, work and play here.
After the enormous success of Fred Again playing to 35,000 people at Langley Park last month, Council approved my Motion to invite music promoters and event companies to be part of a new major festival in the City of Perth.
Perth needs a permanent, lock-it-in the calendar, comes-back every year music festival event.
I’m calling on promoters and event organisers from Australia and around the world to pitch to us their concepts for a multi-day music and dance festival, one that puts us on the map, and one that supports local business and builds vibrancy for our City.
Imagine the dance music version of Coachella or Glastonbury right here in Perth.
Thanks to everyone who attended many of the ANZAC Day events in the City, be it the dawn service, march through the City or the inaugural Family and Mateship event on Langley Park.
There were about 30,000 people at King’s Park for the Dawn Service and our team is reporting the number of people in the City, in areas such as the Murray Street Mall, was up to 70 per cent more than last year.
ANZAC Day clearly stands above all others as the Australian national day of most significance, bringing everyone together.
As always, I value your direct feedback, please feel free to contact me at basil.zempilas@cityofperth.wa.gov.au
See you in the City.
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