Hello again,
In these challenging times we have to stay positive and we have to be brave, that’s the Perth way.
Over the last few weeks, with more and more medium to large employers keeping their workers at home, the City has been quieter. Many of our business owners and operators are doing it tough. But they’re not giving in. And nor are we.
Our City, like its people is resilient and robust and I’m certain confidence will return as soon as there is greater clarity from the State Government around the next phase of reopening.
In the meantime, it’s important we stay safe, follow the rules - and get on with it. 


And that’s why it gives me great pleasure to invite you and your friends to join us this Saturday night at Elizabeth Quay to celebrate the 60th anniversary of John Glenn’s Friendship 7 orbit where he proclaimed Perth the “City of Light”.
The free family event will feature the CBD’s first drone show  – and will allow us to come together to celebrate the historic anniversary and officially launch the new era of Perth - City of Light.
Food trucks and roving entertainment will be in place from 5pm with the City of Light Drone Show beginning at 8pm. Get there early to get a good spot.
And please remember to bring your mask and check in with the ServiceWA app.

If you can't get there on the night, you can watch the show live on our City of Perth Facebook page.
The City of Light brand has always had great significance for Perth and it’s as important and relevant today as it’s ever been. 


City of Perth Commitment 

Half way through last year, I initiated a conversation with my principle employer, Seven West Media about pulling back from regular weeknight commitments on the news desk.
In essence I wanted the ability to be even more available for our City.
I want to thank Seven for generously agreeing to my request. You will still see me on television, but not as regularly.
You will have heard me say it’s time for courage and common sense in everything we do and that includes for me personally.
And the right thing to do now, as we prepare to handle the challenges of COVID and the border reopening is to give even more.
Just as 28 years at Seven has been an enormous privilege and something I am incredibly proud of, Lord Mayor of the City of Perth is the greatest honour and responsibility of my life – so it will get even more of me.
When the borders re-open, it will be vital I have the flexibility to travel when and where required to advocate for Perth.
And additionally, it is Perth’s turn to Chair the Council of Capital City Lord Mayors (or CCCLM) and it is important I am available to fulfil those duties on behalf of the City of Perth.
That’s what these times and circumstances demand. And so it will be.
As always, I value your direct feedback, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] and I'll see you in the City.