Hello again, 

It's been a whirlwind week at the World Energy Cities Partnership (WECP) 2023 AGM and conference, proudly hosted by the City of Perth.

The WECP is a global partnership of energy cities from all continents that are committed to fostering the transition to a more sustainable energy future. As the only Australian WECP member city, we were honoured to host our international delegates for this prestigious event and we took every opportunity to showcase our State and city's strengths in the energy transition.

In hosting almost 50 delegates from 10 cities from around the world, this was also a unique opportunity to display the City of Light on a global stage, and we left our visitors in no doubt that Perth is one of the most liveable cities in the world. From our glorious surroundings, to our world-class hospitality and dining scene, we showcased our city to the world.

You'll find all of the key WECP highlights further down this email.

WA Public First with Perth Hydrogen refuelling station

As part of the WECP program, at the Committee for Perth Power Panel session, I announced that Western Australia’s first public hydrogen refuelling station will be built in the City of Perth, thanks to an agreement between the City and Frontier Energy Ltd.