Message from the Lord Mayor | City of Perth
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As we approach the end of 2022, I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy Christmas and acknowledge the dedicated work of my fellow Councillors and the City of Perth administration over the past 12 months.

Hello again, 

As we approach the end of 2022, I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy Christmas and acknowledge the dedicated work of my fellow Councillors and the City of Perth administration over the past 12 months.

It’s been another huge year for the City, as illustrated by some of these numbers:

For me the highlights have included:

  • The "City of Light" Drone Show where we reclaimed the name City of Light and launched our new brand and logo
  • Our Perth Bounce Back program of grants and incentives to help Perth recover from the COVID restrictions
  • The launch of the Purple CAT bus
  • Lighting up Council House to support Ukraine and pay tribute to Tricia the elephant, cricket legend Shane Warne and Her Majesty the Queen
  • Supporting Van Gogh Alive at Supreme Court Gardens during the winter months
  • Helping more than 1,000 women off the streets on more than 4,000 occasions in the first 12 months of operation of the City’s Safe Night Space for women
  • Our advocacy for more police in Perth, the arrival of 175 extra officers and the outstanding relationship we have established with WA Police
  • Visiting our sister-city Vasto in Italy while celebrating the launch of direct flights from Perth to Rome
  • Addressing the Parliamentary Inquiry into homelessness and advocating for more accommodation and a decentralisation of services and housing
  • Presenting Samantha Kerr with the Keys to the City of Perth in a packed Forrest Place


  • Chairing the Council of Capital City Lord Mayors in 2022 and hosting the AGM in Perth
  • Delivering the City budget, a $262 million blueprint for our capital city with a rate rise of just 0.5% for residential, the lowest in the metropolitan area
  • Celebrating 10 years of our sister-city relationship with Chengdu, China
  • The announcement Australia’s Aboriginal Cultural Centre and Museum will be located in the City of Perth
  • Welcoming Telethon back into the heart of our City at the RAC Arena with the Family Festival on Wellington Street
  • The Launch of our Find Your Scene summer marketing campaign 
  • The Greek Presidential Guard’s march along St Georges Tce followed by a reception at Council House
  • Food and beverage with alfresco returning to the Hay Street Mall for the first time in almost 10 years with the opening of Espresso & Prosecco
  • Perth being named in the top 10 on Forbes Magazine’s 23 best places to travel in 2023 list
  • The return of the Pride Parade to the heart of Northbridge 
  • Partnering with Rio Tinto for our biggest Christmas Lights Trail
  • Launching our summer City of Light Shows presented by Hancock Prospecting, Roy Hill and Atlas Iron
  • CEO Michelle Reynolds being awarded Local Government Leader of the Year 
  • The Perth CBD’s nation leading 80 per cent office occupancy against pre COVID levels for the month of November
  • And the continuation of our enormously popular free parking in every City of Perth parking bay after 6pm


On top of that great list of achievements for 2022, equally gratifying is the way in which people have flocked to the City this December.
Last weekend was the busiest of the year and events like the Christmas Pageant, WASO Spectacular, Carols in the Park, the Friday night Hawkers Market, our Christmas Lights Trail featuring the lit up GPO, the Nativity Production and the Elizabeth Quay Fun Fair have delivered great momentum for our City.

Remember the shops are open until 9pm Thursday (tonight) and Friday night and until 6pm Saturday.
And this year for the first time, New Year’s eve in the City will feature the family friendly Elizabeth Quay fireworks at 9pm as well as the traditional Northbridge show at midnight. Check for details.
There is three hours free parking at His Majesty’s, the Cultural Centre and Pier Street on weekends and all public holidays and every City of Perth bay is free after 6pm.


Thank you again for your incredible support of our City in 2022 and I look forward to seeing you in our City of Light in the New Year.

From my family to yours, wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a liveable, sustainable and prosperous 2023.

As always, I value your direct feedback, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]

Basil Zempilas Signature

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