• City of Perth’s Tree Month is back for the month of May
  • Community plantings will take place across JH Abrahams Reserve, the Narrows Interchange and the East Perth foreshore
  • Sustainable walks, talks and workshops for the community to get behind.

Tree meditations, bee gardens and composting workshops are all happening in the City of Perth as part of its second annual Tree Month this May.
Tree Month kicks off with a community tree planting event at Trinity Foreshore, the first of multiple planting days where the community can join together to green our City, connect with nature and learn more about the environment and our local area.
City of Perth Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas said after the overwhelming success of last year’s Tree Month – the City was eager to go bigger and better this year to expand the City’s tree canopy.
“As a community, the City planted more than 1000 trees in 2023 and we’re building on that this year,” Mr Zempilas said.
"As part of the United Nations Trees in Cities Challenge we've pledged to plant 1502 trees by the end of this year and we’re on track. Tree Month will certainly help us reach that goal.  
“Of course, it’s not just the number of trees we plant but how they grow and contribute to the canopy over time. We’re committed to growing our urban forest with a variety of trees that will survive in our harsh climate and be enjoyed for generations to come,” Mr Zempilas said.
“City residents, workers and visitors are called to join us across the month of May – we’ll be running a series of community planting days and sustainable events and activities to showcase how we can collectively make our City cleaner, greener and grow our tree canopy.”
The month-long program will focus on the revegetation of key areas within the City, such as JH Abrahams Reserve, the Narrows Interchange and the East Perth foreshore, while creating opportunities to bring residents and community groups together to share awareness of the value of trees and a sustainable greener future. 
For more information on Tree Month and to register for events and activities see: Tree Month in the City of Perth | Visit Perth


Issued by: Grace Carr, [email protected]

More information

Tree month events

1 May Trinity Foreshore | Community Planting Day
4 May JH Abrahams | Community Planting Day 
5 May 'The Giants' Movie Screening 
8 May Kokedama Plant Ball Workshop
9 May Composting with microbes
15 May Bee Friendly Gardens
16 May Self Watering Garden Beds for small spaces
18 May Wellington Square| Community Planting Day
21 May Tree Meditation Session  
22 May Healthy Waterways Workshop  
24 May Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer (PSHB) - City of Perth response Tree Talk & Tour
27 May Tree Meditation Session 
29 May Kings Park Story Time 
29 May Tree Pruning Workshop 
30 May Tree Meditation Session

City of Perth tree statistics - (not including Kings Park)

  • Number of trees – 16,493 (247 species)
  • Size of canopy – 2.03km2 or enough to cover the WACA oval 31 times
  • Most abundant genus – Eucalyptus
  • Most abundant species – London Plane
  • Structural value - $72 million