The focus of payments from the Fund is to assist residents whose home has been impacted by the cyclone and have lost all or most of their belongings.  Persons can apply for assistance of up to $25,000 where their primary place of residence was totally destroyed or up to $10,000 where the dwelling suffered major damage and is uninhabitable. 

The amounts apply to both owner/occupiers and tenants of properties at the time the tropical cyclone struck and all affected properties must be the primary place of residence and located within the declared disaster area. 

The fund for people who suffered loss from Tropical Seroja remains open with more than $7.34 million having been raised to this date.

Presiding Chair Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas reminded people that every dollar donated by people and organisations would make its way to the victims and communities that were hit by Tropical Cyclone Seroja.

“Having visited the Mid-West two weeks ago, I have seen the devastation that has struck many communities in the region,” he said.

“Many people are still doing it tough and I remind everyone that there is still time to donate to the Lord Mayor’s Distress Relief Fund.

“All of the thirteen local governments in the area are working hard and are available to assist everyone with their applications.”

Donations to the Tropical Cyclone Seroja Appeal can be made:

  • via EFT: BSB: 306-188, Account: 0347404
  • over the counter at any BankWest branch or agency to the dedicated appeal account BSB: 306-188, Account: 0347404
  • on the phone via credit card on 9461 3886 during normal business hours
  • by mail to LMDRF, Tropical Cyclone Seroja Appeal, City of Perth, GPO Box C120, Perth WA 6839
  • by credit card at


MEDIA CONTACT:   Hannah Marcuson, Senior Media and Communications Advisor, 0417 228 103 or [email protected]