Road Closure - Roe St 20 to 29 November | City of Perth
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Road Closure - Roe St 20 to 29 November

To facilitate underground service investigations as part of Western Power upgrade works by Daly’s Construction, the City of Perth has approved the temporary closure of sections of Roe Street and Stirling Street, between Melbourne Street and James Street.  Local access to properties will be maintained.

All road closures are during the hours of:  9:00pm to 5:00am on the following dates:

Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st November 2018, and

Sunday 25th to Thursday 29th November.

Roe Street Road Closure Map November 2018

Please direct all road closure enquiries to 0431 067 337, and road closure enquiries to Health & Activity on 9461 3411 during office hours.  

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