Future RFT Opportunity - ICT Hardware & Associated Services Preferred Supplier Agreement | City of Perth
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The City is planning to release a future Request for Tender (RFT) to establish an ICT Hardware and Associated Services Preferred Supplier Arrangement (PSA) for a potential contract term of up to 5 years. 

The purpose of the PSA is to create a strategic supply contract that will facilitate the following objectives:

  1. Maximise the value for money and savings achieved on the City's ICT Hardware requirements.
  2. Provide a streamlined buying process.
  3. Provide transparency of costs through an open book pricing approach.
  4. Establish a strategic relationship with a supplier that facilitates pro-active planning and management of the City's ICT Hardware replacement and maintenance programs.
  5. Consolidate sourcing of as much of the City's ICT Hardware requirements under a single agreement as possible.
  6. Assist the City in meeting its sustainability objectives by supporting the City with disposal of end-of-life assets.

The proposed high-level scope for the contract is:

  1. ICT Hardware Supply (any brand)
    a) Infrastructure - Compute, Storage, Network, Telephony and Security
    b) End Use Compute - Desktops, Laptops, Mobiles
  2. ICT Hardware Maintenance Services (any brand)
  3. Professional/Technical Services - e.g. installation
  4. End of Life Services
  5. Other Value Add Services

Tender documents will be available from the City’s e-Tendering Portal: https://portal.tenderlink.com/cityofperth and must be lodged through this e-Tendering Portal.

If you wish to enquire further about this potential RFT please contact:
Michael De Luce - Commercial Lead
Phone: 08 9461 3847
Email: [email protected]

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