The major projects for our City keep coming and on Monday, perhaps the most significant announcement, with confirmation Australia’s preeminent Aboriginal Cultural Centre and Museum will be built in the City of Perth.
Hello everyone,
The major projects for our City keep coming and on Monday, perhaps the most significant announcement, with confirmation Australia’s preeminent Aboriginal Cultural Centre and Museum will be built in the City of Perth.
Together with many of my fellow Councillors, I have been a strong advocate for an iconic centre of this kind being built in the City of Perth and I am delighted the Terrace Road car park site has been identified as the location for this City, State and nation-shaping project.
The City of Perth has been involved in discussions with the State Government for over 12 months in relation to this specific site. Currently the Terrace Road car park is operated under a management order by the City of Perth, and while negotiations will continue to ensure the best possible exit from that arrangement for our ratepayers, I welcome the news that yet another landmark project will come to life in the City of Perth. This is a wonderful development for Perth, WA and Australia – and a huge plus for our City.
This week council approved a $210,000 grant toward the annual PrideFEST which will see the celebrated festival return to its traditional Northbridge home.
And the celebration for our City continues with PrideWA announced as the new anchor tenant for the Northbridge Piazza building (seen below, behind me!). The organisation will work with all members of the local community to bring the area to life. It’s long overdue and a huge shot in the arm for our entertainment heartland.
It’s time for Perth to say goodbye to Van Gogh Alive. The stunning multi-sensory, interactive experience was a huge hit, lighting up our City in the middle of winter for 10 weeks. In that time Supreme Court Gardens welcomed almost 200,000 visitors from around Perth and Western Australia (to a part of our City which at this time of the year is normally quiet - and wet!).I’m very proud of the role the City of Perth team played in helping bring this event to life, the result was a unique cultural experience for our City, and a demonstration of what is possible when we partner with some of our country’s most creative minds. Our Economic Development team estimate the event brought in $7 million to the City and resulted in Supreme Court Gardens daytime people numbers increasing 177.2% compared to the same time last year.
From one major event, it’s on to the next and the City is very pleased to announce WA’s next blockbuster exhibition when Jurassic World by Brickman® opens at the Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre on September 24.
Finally, it was my great pleasure to welcome our City’s newest Australians at Council House today. 42 people from 21 different countries were sworn in as Australian Citizens including the Nilphong family from Thailand.It’s one of the great privileges of my position as Lord Mayor, acting as presiding officer, being given the honour to welcome our newest Aussies and seeing first-hand how much it means to become a citizen of this great country. It’s a wonderful reminder for all of us, how lucky we are to call Perth and Australia home.
As always, I value your direct feedback, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
And I'll see you in the City.
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