Fireworks, celebrations and summer nights
Thanks to the tens of thousands of people who have already ventured down to Elizabeth Quay this summer to view the stunning fireworks display.
Coupled with the family fun fair and food trucks, Elizabeth Quay has really been brought to life this summer.
There are still plenty of opportunities left this summer.
- Saturday 21 December - Supreme Court Gardens at 9:15pm as part of Carols in the City.
- Tuesday 24 December - Elizabeth Quay Fun Fair between 8pm and 9pm on Christmas Eve.
- Saturday 28 December - Elizabeth Quay Fun Fair between 8pm and 9pm.
- Tuesday 31 December - Elizabeth Quay. The City of Perth, Roy Hill New Year’s Eve Celebration. Two shows, family friendly display at 8:30pm and the midnight spectacular.
You can download the event map here
All of your Perth New Year's Eve entertainment options are available here
- Saturday 4 January - Elizabeth Quay Fun Fair between 8pm and 9pm
- Saturday 11 January - Elizabeth Quay Fun Fair between 8pm and 9pm
- Saturday 18 January - Elizabeth Quay Fun Fair between 8pm and 9pm
And Sunday 26 January – Hancock Prospecting Australia Day Celebrations, Langley Park Foreshore at 8pm.