The City of Perth Council met on Tuesday 28 May. The following decisions were made:

2024/25 Rates

City of Perth residents will see a Rates increase of just 2.95 per cent, one of the lowest in the Perth metropolitan area.

While employee costs, outsourced services, utilities, insurances, have all increased significantly, the City has worked hard to find any offsetting savings and other funding opportunities.

Green Spaces

Council unanimously endorsed a Motion by Cr Catherine Lezer to request the City to investigate repurposing or acquire land to use as ‘green space pocket parks’.

With the City setting ambitious population growth targets, demand on the amount of open space will increase. The City is gearing towards meeting active and passive recreational needs for a growing community.

Kings Park Road

Council has voted to advertise the Kings Park Road Character Area Local Planning Policy for public feedback.

The aim of the policy is to encourage high scale prominent buildings within a high-quality pedestrian and landscaped setting reflective of the area’s importance as a key gateway to the City and Kings Park.

The draft policy proposes a maximum height of 12 stories on the street, with no maximum height limit for built form set back from the street. Building setbacks are proposed from the street and other lot boundaries to allow for landscaping to the street and between buildings.

Proportional landscaping regulations will be retained and enhanced with 25 per cent of the total site area and 75 per cent of the street setback area to comprise soft landscaping.