However, it is also imperative to acknowledge the significant impact the pandemic has had on the health and wellbeing of the community, particularly on the way we live, work and play. This will ultimately have short, medium and long-term impacts on our health and wellbeing. 

The City of Perth is therefore stepping up to help its most vulnerable community members during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The City’s Community Services team has established a contact centre for those needing information or referral to services during COVID-19.

The City of Perth Community Careline allows community members to self-register if in need of support. 

They will then receive a call back from a specialised City officer with further information, connection to support and follow up phone-calls if required. 

Those who do not have the ability to make a phone call will be able to complete a simple online form available on the City of Perth’s website and the City will tailor the service based on the individual’s unique circumstances.  

“The Careline ultimately connects people with the health and wellbeing services they need,” Chair Commissioner Andrew Hammond said.

“Through providing support and connection with the community in a meaningful way, we can meet social, health and wellbeing needs which will be essential to the City’s rebound once the pandemic has passed. 

“The full impacts of the pandemic are not yet fully known, with new trends and issues emerging daily across the community services sector. We will therefore continue to develop considered and flexible programs and initiatives to meet the needs of our community.” 

To reach out for support, community members must reside within, or regularly access services within, the City of Perth Local Government Area. 

If you identify in any of the categories below or have a loved one who is a resident of the City of Perth and identifies in any of the categories below, please contact our City of Perth Community Careline via 9461 1570. 

High Risk:
•    Aged over 70 years of age; 
•    Aged over 60 years of age and living with a chronic illness; 
•    Aged over 50 years of age and identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander; or
•    Experiencing (or at risk of) homelessness.

Moderate Risk:
•    Aged over 60 years of age and living alone with less significant health issues; 
•    Aged under 60 years of age, living with chronic illness or disability; 
•    In temporary, unsupported accommodation; or
•    Experiencing significant financial hardship.

Low risk:
•    All ages, with minor health issues and indicating a need of support; or All ages, living alone and indicating a need of support. 

For those that might be needing immediate support, please call the below 24/7 helplines:

•    In an emergency or if someone is in immediate danger: WA Police: 000
•    Lifeline: 13 11 14
•    Beyond Blue: 1800 512 348
•    Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline: 9223 1188
•    Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline: 9223 1199
•    Alcohol and Drug Support Line: 9442 5000

Issued by: Brooke Hunter, Media and Communications Officer, 0448 610 834 and 08 9461 3425 (includes after hours) [email protected]

The City of Perth acknowledges the Whadjuk Nyoongar people as the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters where Perth city is situated today, and pay our respect to Elders past and present.