Think Perth | City of Perth
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Perth Skyline 2022

City of Perth's Investment Profile

There has never been a better time to invest in Perth. One look at our skyline and it's easy to see the world-class infrastructure being delivered, significant private redevelopment, and potential for future growth. This once-in-a-lifetime transformation has given rise to new opportunities for businesses like yours to Think Perth.

  • ECU

    Perth City Deal

    The $1.6 billion City Deal will re-energise Perth, bringing government and private investment into the CBD, creating almost 10,000 jobs while encouraging more people back into the city creating flow on economic benefits for small businesses.

The smart investment

  • 60%of world's population shares a region with Perth
  • $1.66bspent on the Perth City Deal to re-energise Perth
  • AAAcredit rating

Key Sectors


Australia is the third most popular country to study in globally, and unique opportunities are unfolding within Perth to cater to growing demand.

The University of Western Australia

Health and Medical Life Sciences

The Health and Medical Life Sciences sector in Western Australia is dynamic and rapidly growing, incorporating a highly skilled workforce, world-class medical and research infrastructure and numerous highly regarded medical research institutions.

Perth childrens hospital

International Engagement

The City of Perth is committed to being an active member of the international community and maintains a variety of international relationships, including with our Sister and Friendship Cities, bilateral business councils and chambers, and the Consular Corps.

chengdu visit


With all three levels of government and advocacy partners collaboratively driving population growth, through strong migration policy, housing stimulus and the reduction of barriers to development, there has never been a better time to invest in Perth.

Property in the city

Resources & Energy

Western Australia is renowned for its abundant mineral and petroleum resources, making it the indisputable resources and energy capital of the Indo-Pacific region.

cityscape sunrise drone image

Technology and Innovation

Perth has a rapidly evolving start-up and innovation ecosystem.

spacecubed fern


Perth is a highly desirable location for tourism given its combination of scenic natural beauty and the mixture of rich Aboriginal and European culture.

Lightscape 2023