Tender advertisements
Tenders for the City of Perth are advertised in The West Australian newspaper Wednesday's and Saturday's.
The latest information on tenders and expressions of interest that are currently being advertised, have closed or have been awarded visit are listed on the Tenders and Expressions of interest webpage.
Tender documents are available from the City’s e-Tendering Portal and must be lodged through the portal.
All enquiries should be directed to the City of Perth Procurement Team by email to procurement@cityofperth.wa.gov.au.
- Perth Town Hall Conservation and Air Conditioning Replacement Works - Tender No. RFT000229
- Ozone Reserve Boardwalk - Tender No. RFT000230
- Design of Council House Stage 2 Waterproofing and Forecourt Upgrade - Tender No. RFT000228
- Design and Consultancy Services - Russell Square Revitalisation - Tender No. RFT000222
- Maintenance and Reinstatement of Granite and Stone Infrastructure - Tender No. RFT000227
- Elder Street Car Park Fire Compliance (Dry Fire) - Tender No. RFT000226
- Pier Street Car Park Fire Compliance - Tender No. RFT000225
- Community Safety Review – Safer City Project - Tender No. RFT000221
- Request for Information - 18 Stirling Street Perth - RFI No. RFI000002
- On-Street Electric Vehicle EV Chargers - Installation and Maintenance - Tender No RFT000215
- Mounts Bay Road River Wall Replacement - Tender No. RFT000220
- Corporate Training Providers for the City Of Perth - Tender No. RFT000219
- Urban Forest Plan - Street and Parkland Tree Audit - Tender No. RFT000218
- Coordination and Delivery of Mobile Food Vendors - Australia Day Event - Tender No. RFT000216
- Coordination and Delivery of Paid Entertainment - City Events - Tender No. RFT000217