Black Swan State Theatre Company, AWESOME Arts, The Blue Room Theatre Company and West Australian Symphony Orchestra will receive funding over the next two years, to develop programs and projects.

Deputy Chair of Commissioners Gaye McMath said sponsorship funding encouraged a range of diverse events and activities within Perth.

“Arts sponsorship is available to organisations that identify the arts as their primary purpose and deliver significant economic, social and cultural outcomes," Deputy Commissioner McMath said.

“The City received a strong response for the 2018/19 Arts Sponsorship round, making the assessment process highly competitive.

“These projects recommended for support will diversify and complement the existing offering within the City, and enhance and support the local arts industry within Perth.”

The Blue Room Theatre Company will use the funding for its 2019 program, which will bring at least 44 new productions to the stage and attract an audience of more than 22,000.

The West Australian Opera, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts and WA Music Industry Association will also receive a total of $200,000 in sponsorship to develop events in 2018/19.

Issued by: Michael Holland, Senior Media Advisor, 0409 378 926, [email protected]