Review of the City of Perth Local Laws
The City of Perth is reviewing the following local laws:
City of Perth Air Conditioning Units Local Law 2004.
The purpose of this local law is to provide for the regulation, management and control of the installation of air conditioning units to buildings within the City of Perth. The effect of this local law is to control the installation of air conditioning units to a specified standard within the City of Perth.
City of Perth Fencing Local Law 2015
The purpose of this local law is to prescribe a sufficient fence and the standard
for the construction of fences throughout the district of the City of Perth.
The effect of this local law is to establish the requirements for fencing within the
district of the City of Perth.
Public Trading Local Law 2005.
The purpose of this local law is to provide for the regulation, control and management of trading activities and street entertainment in any street or public place within the district. The intent of this local law is to control trading activities and street entertainment in any street or public place within the district so that they do not conflict with the City’s fixed site retail and service base.
Special Events Local Law 2007.
The purpose of this local law is to provide for the regulation, control and management of the possession and consumption of liquor and the possession and use of large objects and sound equipment at special events held in public places within the district, and a means of enforcing
those provisions. The effect of this local law is to establish the requirements with which any person attending a special event in the district with liquor, sound equipment and large objects, must comply.
Activities on Land Local Law 2002
The purpose of the local law is to prevent the creation of nuisances on land from sand, water, vegetation and rubbish. The effect the local law is to ensure owners and occupiers manage their land with the interest of the community, particularly with regard to safety and efficiency and the prevention of nuisances, and where a nuisance is found to exist and the City has served a Notice, action can be taken to resolve the nuisance, and infringement notices issued.
Copies of the above Local Laws may be inspected at the City of Perth Customer Service Centre located on the ground floor of Council House, 27 St Georges Terrace, Perth, and the City of Perth Library located at 573 Hay Street, Perth, during official opening hours; or via the City’s website at
Submissions in relation to the review of the local laws may be made prior to Friday, 26 March 2021:
Chief Executive Officer
City of Perth
27 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
[email protected]
Queries regarding the review of the local laws can be made to Ms Kathleen O’Brien, Paralegal, on 9461-1421.
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