How Perth is reducing its water consumption | City of Perth
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Claisebrook Cove

How Perth is reducing its water consumption

The City has been a Waterwise Council since 2009, meaning that we are sustainably managing our water supply in a warming climate. Since achieving Gold Waterwise status in 2015, the City has continuously been working to reduce our water use. 

Smart Irrigation

The City’s smart irrigation network has 104 controllers watering 120 hectares of green space. It uses weather station technology to automatically manage and adjust schedules, and switch systems off when 2mm+ rain falls. Applying the science of evapotranspiration, schedules automatically adjust to replace moisture lost from each plant type, to help conserve water.

Sensible Tree Watering

The City is regularly planting new trees as part of increasing our Urban Forest. Once a tree is planted, the City provides supplementary water to the trees for the first five years. After the five years have passed, the tree no longer receives additional water supply. It’s our way of balancing tree growth and resilience with water conservation.

Stormwater Harvesting Savings

In addition to savings made on our potable water, the City has offset our reliance on groundwater by stormwater harvesting. We collect and store rainwater and stormwater runoff from surfaces in the city. We’ve been harvesting stormwater from the Claisebrook main drain, saving on average 70 million litres of water a year.



That's just one of many steps we are taking in our sustainability journey

Together we can make a greener and more sustainable city for all to enjoy. Check out some of our other projects.