Develop in the city | City of Perth
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Develop in the city

Perth is a growing, innovative city. You can be part of our exciting future by taking
advantage of a range of incentives that came into effect on 1 July 2023.

  • Yagan Square

    Incentives for Developers

    The City of Perth has incentives to make it easier to develop and invest in Central Perth. These include:

    1. Waiving of all City fees for new residential development applications
    2. Waiving the City’s fee component for building and occupancy permit for new residential developments
    3. Residential Bonus plot ratio
    4. 50% rates reimbursement for single ownership buildings (build-to-rent) and your future purchaser

Why develop in the city?

The City of Perth offers a range of services to help developers.

We're good to do business with

We understand that part of great customer service is delivering on time and being solution focused.  At the City of Perth, we achieve 100% of development and building application within statutory timeframes.

Council House

Free pre-lodgement advice

Pre-lodgement discussions are an important part of the development process. At the City of Perth we work with you at the early stage of your development to help achieve timely decisions and better development outcomes.

Professional advice

Receive expert advice from our City Architect, Urban Planners and Building Officers, enabling any planning or design issues to be identified and addressed.

EQ skyline

Perth City Deal

The City of Perth is working collaboratively with the State and Federal Governments to see the projects under the $1.6 billion Perth City Deal come to life. You can find out more about Perth City Deal here

ECU City Campus

Frequently Asked Questions

Incentives for developers

For more information regarding eligibility to different incentives available for residential development within our city, please refer to the relevant sections below:

Got more questions? We’re here to help

Email [email protected]