The sponsorships program is aimed at encouraging organisations to stage their business event in Perth.

It encourages event delegates to explore, dine and be entertained within the City of Perth and showcases our expanding hotel, accommodation and hospitality sectors. 

Deputy Chair Commissioner Gaye McMath said the City wants to ensure Perth is known as a leading business event destination.

“For good reason global companies like Woodside and BHP have chosen Perth for their headquarters, and now we need to leverage that further to keep up the increased visitation to the city,” Deputy Chair Commissioner McMath said. 

“The Business Event Sponsorship program aligns with identifying growth opportunities and positioning the city as a thriving centre of business.”

Australasian Oil and Gas Exhibition and Conference Event Director Bill Hare, said the importance of sponsorships such as this can’t be underestimated. 

“Last year the AOG Conference attracted almost 9,000 delegates from almost 40 countries, resulting in a direct economic impact of more than $24 million dollars for Perth,” Mr Hare said.

“It’s a simple fact that major conferences of this nature couldn’t be achieved without support from organisations such as the City of Perth, and the return on investment speaks for itself.

“Being able to host delegations of this nature creates professional and business networks and encourages repeat visitation, which is a further coup for tourism.”

Successful Sponsorship Recipients Include:

Diversified Communications – 2020 Australasian Oil and Gas Exhibition and Conference - $50,000
Tourism Council WA – 2019 Perth Airport WA Tourism Awards - $10,000
Volunteering WA – 2020 National Volunteering Conference - $10,000
Australian Hotels Association – 2019 AHA (WA) Hospitality Awards for Excellence - $5,000
Business News – 2020 40under40 Awards - $18,000
Perth USAsia Centre Limited – In the Zone 2019 - $15,000

Issued by: Michael Holland, Senior Media Advisor, 9461 3425, [email protected]