The Annual Budget was also approved with the requirement for the Administration to produce a stakeholder-driven strategic review.

 Chair of Commissioners Eric Lumsden said the City had endeavoured to minimise the burden on ratepayers while ensuring the demand for our services are met and exceeded where possible, and responsible financial management would see the City continue to provide for the community long into the future.
“Comparing favourably with other metropolitan local governments, the City has worked hard to set a modest overall rate revenue increase of 0.8 per cent in line with the Consumer Price Index, and we are one of a small number of councils in Perth to achieve this,” Commissioner Lumsden said.
“The Annual Budget forecast a 1.9 per cent overall revenue increase to $201 million, which will be invested into the community through a range of services, activities, grants, events and infrastructure to achieve the vision in the Strategic Community Plan 2029.
“These services, initiatives and activities help to enhance Perth’s liveability, cultural and social identity, public amenity, service excellence and economic prosperity and it is prudent to take steps that ensure the City is fiscally sustainable in the long term.
“The Annual Budget will see the City continuing to deliver value for ratepayers, stakeholders and the community in 2018/19, with $56.3 million in major capital outlays including improvements in the public realm.

 As part of business as usual operations to stimulate economic activity in the city, the City of Perth has allocated $4.7 million in donations and sponsorships for the coming financial year.”
The City of Perth has adopted the following differential rates for 2018/19:
•Commercial – 5.56344 cents in the dollar
•Hotel – 5.56344 cents in the dollar
•Office – 4.55125 cents in the dollar
•Retail – 5.56344 cents in the dollar
•Residential – 5.74033 cents in the dollar     
•Vacant Land – 6.25865 cents in the dollar

There will be no increase to the minimum rate of $705 across all differential rate categories.
 For more information, visit the rates page on the City of Perth website.

Issued by: Caitlin Tiller, Corporate Communications Officer, Strategic Projects, 0437 814 514,[email protected]


 As well as essential ratepayer and community services, in 2017/18 the City delivered:
•$6 million upgrade to Perth Concert Hall (an important City of Perth asset) with significant structural and heritage maintenance, restroom upgrades, and new, sustainable LED lighting for the auditorium and façade;
•$3.3 million in donations and sponsorship, with an estimated economic return of more than $336 million;
•$1.4 million refurbishment of McLean Lane in the city’s east end;
•Introduction of ranger bike patrols, CCTV network expansion near Matagarup Bridge and migration from analogue to digital CCTV; and
•Western Australia’s first organic waste recycling service to divert commercial food waste from landfill; improving customer convenience and reducing landfill.