Petition to Council or a Committee submission | City of Perth
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Petition to Council or a Committee submission

Any individual or group may petition the City of Perth Council to take action on a matter of community concern. The subject of a petition should be a matter which the Council has the power to act. For example, an individual or group may petition to change a decision, policy or Local Law. 

If you are uncertain about the best method to raise your concern with the City of Perth, please contact our Customer Experience Centre on (08) 9461 3333 or [email protected].

Key Details

Service TypeCouncil and Citizenship

Submission Requirements

The City of Perth Standing Orders Local Law 2009 prescribes the submission requirements for a petition.
A petition to Council must -

  • as far as practicable be prepared in the form prescribed in the Schedule;
  • be addressed to the Council and forwarded to a Council member or the CEO;
  • state the name and address of the person to whom correspondence in respect of the petition may be served; and
  • be respectful and temperate in its language.

A Petition should set out a concise statement of facts and be clear about the action sought. 

Submitting a Petition

A petition is to be prepared, as far as practicable, in the ‘Petition Submission Form’ available under downloads (to the right of this page). The petition initiator is responsible for collecting signatures and submitting the petition to a Council member or the Chief Executive Officer via email to [email protected] or in person at Council House, 27 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000. 

The petition initiator will be advised of the progress of the petition through the decision making process.


A petition received by a Council member or the Chief Executive Officer will be presented to the next Ordinary Council meeting. The presentation of a petition is confined to the reading of the petition.


Need more help?

If you have any further questions please contact: 9461 3333 or email: [email protected]