Work Affecting Other Land | City of Perth
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Work affecting other land

A person responsible for building or demolition work must not encroach or adversely affect or access adjoining land without the consent of the adjoining land owners.

Key Details

Service TypeBuilding and construction
What you need

The notice and request for consent form should be completed by the person responsible for the work and have:

  • A clear description of the works proposed.
  • A clear description of how other land will be affected and when.
  • Details of the person responsible for the work.
  • Copies of plans and specifications and any technical certificates that show how the work will affect other land.
Eligibility requirementsIf consent sought by this notice is not given by the affected adjoining owners(s) within 28 days, the person responsible for the work may apply under section 86 of the Building Act 2011 to the Magistrate's Court for a court order.