Streaming of Council Meetings
Streaming of Council meetings
Agenda Briefing Sessions, Ordinary and Special Council Meetings are all live streamed.
Previous Council meetings
You can view recordings of previous meetings on the City of Perth YouTube channel.
Opinions expressed and statements made during a Council meeting are those of the individuals making them and not those of City of Perth. Unless by way of Council resolution, the City of Perth does not endorse or support the views, opinions or conduct that may be expressed by individuals at a Council meeting and which may be contained in a stream or archived recording of a Council meeting.
The City of Perth does not accept any responsibility for any verbal comments made during Council meetings which may be inaccurate, incorrect, defamatory, or contrary to law and does not warrant nor represent that the material or statements made during the streamed meetings are complete, reliable, accurate or free from error.
The City of Perth does not accept any responsibility or liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense that might be incurred as a result of the viewing, use or reliance of information or statements provided in a stream or archived recording of a Council meeting.
Endorsed Council minutes provide the definitive record of Council’s resolutions.