Access and Inclusion Advisory Group (AIAG)
The City’s Access and Inclusion Advisory Group (AIAG) has been providing advice to the City of Perth (City) on accessibility and inclusion since 1998, including the City of Perth Disability Access and Inclusion Plan, Perth Parking Policy and the Community Safety Plan. This includes plans and strategies, such as the City of Perth’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan, Australia Day Skyworks, and Fringe Festival.
The Access and Inclusion Advisory Group (AIAG) consists of residents and regular visitors to the City of Perth who are passionate about universal access. The group acts as an advisory body on City of Perth access initiatives and issues affecting access for people with disability.
In addition, the group has been responsible for providing City of Perth staff and private developers access advice in relation to inner city projects, particularly at the planning and design stage for new developments.
Whilst the group is only advisory in nature, its value has been in informing the design process which will ultimately lead to better development outcomes for the whole community.
Please note the group is not designed to provide technical advice. The skills of an Accredited Access Consultant may be required depending on the nature of the project, please ensure budget for consultancy is considered during your projects at the planning stage.
Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference for the Access and Inclusion Advisory Group provides further background information on the objectives and purpose of the group.
Meet the AIAG Members
- Amber Dennis
- Ben Cox
- Daniel Stokes
- David Vosnacos
- Emily Kendall
- Emma Kenton
- Gareth Goodway
- Glennys Marsdon
- Jill Dixon
- Katherine Campbell
- Melissa Northcott
- Nina-Marie Butler
- Stuart Jenkinson
- Tayla Taseff
- Clare Gibellini
Meeting Dates and TimesThe advisory group will have four meetings a year, with two of the meetings giving an update on progress against the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan. Meetings are held on a Tuesday from 11am - 1pm. Meetings can be attended in person or online via Microsoft Teams.
Agendas and Minutes
More information and contact
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 9461 3333
In person: Council House, 27 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Post: City of Perth, GPO Box C120, Perth WA 6839
See also
Disability Access and Inclusion Plan
Accessibility Services in the City of Perth and getting around
- Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2021 - 20252.92 MB | PDF Document
- Access and Inclusion Advisory Group Terms of Reference490.22 KB | PDF Document
- Advisory Group Member Handbook3.93 MB | PDF Document