Deputy Chair Commissioner Gaye McMath said the document outlines the City’s focus for the community, and strategically positions Perth for prosperity in the future.
“The Strategic Community Plan presents a ‘Community Aspiration’ for the City to become more vibrant, connected and progressive well into the future,” Deputy Chair Commissioner McMath said.
“Informed by extensive community consultation, and independently reviewed in 2018, this plan has compiled a significant body of work, and will enable the city to make more informed strategic decisions for ratepayers, residents and visitors.
“The wider community has made clear that Perth should not only be a city with an attractive way of life, but one that has a distinctiveness that people can confidently promote.
“This document outlines how the City will address community expectations, such as the development of thriving neighbourhoods, a diverse cultural identity, safety and strategic economic growth."
The plan also addresses trends and challenges the City may face over the next decade including climate change, the economy, the ageing population and technological advances.
“It is important that we not only adhere to community expectations, but also address external factors outside the City of Perth’s influence, and how we best capitalise on these opportunities and mitigate risk," Deputy Chair Commissioner McMath said.
The City will focus its efforts over the next ten years to provide the following outcomes to the community:
•          Thriving neighbourhoods
•          Vibrant and diverse cultural identity       
•          Healthy and safe communities
•          Strategic economic growth
•          Global destination city
•          Sustainable growth and development
•          Transport integration
•          Places that embrace nature and natural beauty
•          A city that cares for its environment
•          Outstanding environmental performance
•          Capital city leadership
•          Excellence in resource management
•          Open, transparent governance
•          Leadership and service excellence
The full Strategic Community Plan can be found on the City of Perth website.
Issued by: Haydn Kruger, Media Advisor, 0427 832 942, [email protected]