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People enjoying live music

New major musical festival

Music promoters and event companies from across the world are being invited to register their interest to be part of a new major festival in the City of Perth.

The City is calling for concepts for a multi-day music and dance festival to support the City’s hospitality, tourism and entertainment industries.

The idea stems from the incredible success of the Fred Again concert in March, proving there is a huge appetite for this style of event.

Perth needs a permanent, lock-it-in the calendar, comes-back every year large-scale event and the City wants to create an event which puts us on the map that supports local business and builds vibrancy for our City. 

The new festival may start in 2025 – possibly in late March/April. It could involve a number of acts spread across a few days.

The goal is to grow this initiative into an annual event which could be the biggest music dance music festival in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Register of Interest has now closed. If you have any questions please email 


The process

The City of Perth has developed a three-stage process to develop this exciting new event.

  Description  Timing 
Stage 1  Discussions and meetings with interested parties  Complete
Stage 2  Register of Interests. All registrations of interest will be considered and presented to Council at an Engagement Session in June.  Open 6 May 
Closes 30 May 
Stage 3  Request for Tender. Following the review of registrations of interest, the City may issue a Tender request  To be determined