Subiaco Planning Policies
The City of Subiaco Planning Policies have been created under Town Planning Scheme No. 4 and apply to the parts of Crawley and Nedlands which were transferred from the City of Subiaco to the City of Perth on 1 July 2016.
For the purposes of application within the City of Perth, any references to the City of Subiaco within the Planning Policies is taken to be a reference to the City of Perth. It should be noted that the versions of the City of Subiaco Planning Policies applicable within the City of Perth are those versions which were applicable as at the 1 July 2016. Any amendments made to the planning policies by the City of Subiaco post 1 July 2016 do not apply within the City of Perth.
They should be read with the City of Subiaco Town Planning Scheme No. 4 and its associated precinct plans and planning registers and lists, and the State Government’s Residential Design Codes.
Conservation & Heritage:
3.1 Additions and amendments to the Local Government Inventory for Subiaco and the Scheme Register of Places of Cultural Heritage Significance
3.2 Archival Records Policy
3.3 Heritage Incentives Policy
3.4 Heritage impact referrals
3.5 Assessment of Cultural Heritage Significance
3.6 Development Guidelines for Residential Conservation Areas
Guidelines for preparing an archival record
General Policies:
2.2 Reflective Roofing
2.3 Subdivision
2.5 Perimeter Fencing Policy
2.6 Demolition Policy
2.9 Working from Home
2.11 Child Day Care Centres
2.12 Liquor Licensing Policy
2.13 Shortfall Cash Payments in lieu of Car Parking in the Town Centre Zone
2.14 End of Trip Facilities
2.15 Environmental Design Policy
2.16 Landscaping and Water Sensitive Urban Design
2.17 Designing Out Crime
2.18 Advertising Signs Policy
2.19 Communications Antennae
2.20 Telecommunications Antenna
2.21 Non Residential Development in Residential Areas
2.22 Development in the Commercial Residential Zone
2.23 Development in the Neighbourhood Mixed Use Zone
2.24 Development in the Local Centre Zone
2.25 Development in the Town Centre Zone
2.26 Draft Planning Policy Site Works
1.2 Refunding and Waiving Planning Fees
1.4 Public Notification of Planning Proposals
1.5 Applications for Review of Town Planning Decisions and Written Directions
1.6 Planning Compliance