The City of Perth’s autumn verge collection diverted 44 per cent of all materials collected from landfill – a seven per cent increase from the last residential verge collection in September 2018.

The City removed close to 100 tonnes of unwanted goods from residences over two days in March, with approximately eight tonnes of green waste and 272 mattresses collected and taken to recycling facilities. 

The remaining bulk waste was taken to a sorting facility, with metal, cardboard, plastic and wood products making up most of the recyclable material diverted from landfill.

“This is a great result for the City and community and it indicates we’re moving in the right direction to become a more sustainable city,” City of Perth Chair Commissioner Eric Lumsden said. 

The City of Perth is also currently in the process of changing all landfill bin lids from dark green to red, in line with Australian standards and WA Waste Authority Guidelines.

“Consistent colours for different waste streams allow for more consistent communications and can increase resource recovery, by improving source separation and reducing contamination,” Commissioner Lumsden said.

The old green lids will be recycled and all lids are expected to be replaced by the end of 2020.

The City will continue to work with residents and ratepayers going forward in an effort to educate and cut down on recyclable and reusable material going to landfill.

The autumn collection was one of the City’s biannual verge collections. Items removed included garden waste, electronic waste, white goods, mattresses and old furniture.

The City’s next residential verge collection is scheduled for September. 

Issued by Tomi Ellis, Corporate Communications Officer, 0437 653 511, [email protected]