Setting a clear vision for the future of Perth and its neighbourhoods, the City Planning Strategy provides a positive aspiration for the direction of the capital city, focusing on housing, employment, business activity, transport and public open space.

The strategy provides a platform for collaboration between the City of Perth, community stakeholders, State Government and neighbouring local governments on delivering sustainable growth and development.

“To be successful in delivering a city we can all be proud of, we recognise collaboration needs to be central to how we work,” Deputy Chair Commissioner Gaye McMath said

“With 200,000 daily visitors to Perth and a residential population of 27,000 with forecast continued growth, now is a great time to be laying the foundations for the future of our capital city.”

The draft strategy recognises the important role Perth city continues to have as the economic, social, cultural and civic heart of the state, but also a city of neighbourhoods for businesses and residents. 

Adopting a sustainable approach in shaping the future, the City Planning Strategy focuses on guiding growth and improving amenity across Perth city’s six identified neighbourhoods - Nedlands-Crawley, West Perth, Central Perth, Northbridge, Claisebrook and East Perth.

“The way we deal with growth needs to be carefully considered and tailored to each neighbourhood, ensuring issues and challenges are approached in different ways and thoughtfully balanced,” Deputy Chair Commissioner Gaye McMath said.

From 10 June to 19 July, the City of Perth will be engaging with its community and stakeholders to obtain feedback regarding the draft City Planning Strategy.

This will include information booths set up across neighbourhood centres, while interested community members can also have their say on Engage Perth.

In recent years, the City of Perth has undertaken community and key stakeholder engagement to inform the preparation of the document, including neighbourhood-level consultation in 2017/18.

Issued by: Brooke Hunter, Strategic Communications Advisor, 0448 610 834, [email protected]


City Planning Strategy information booth locations




Tuesday 11 June


Broadway Fair, Crawley

Thursday 13 June


Perth Library

Saturday 15 June


Perth City Farm

Tuesday 18 June


Hay Street, East Perth

Thursday 20 June


Hay Street, West Perth

Saturday 22 June


Northbridge Piazza

Sunday 23 June


Hampden Road, Nedlands

Tuesday 25 June


Perth Library